Open Arms Worldwide (OAW) is a not-for-profit, Christian organization dedicated to the spiritual, moral, emotional, physical and social enrichment of children and youth who live in under-served or forgotten communities around the world – communities where families and children are at higher risk of becoming victims of poverty, crime, violence, addiction, abuse, and social marginalization.
Our organization was born from the realization that the most vulnerable, neglected, scorned, ignored, and all-too-frequently abused group of people in any society are its children. This is not the example that Jesus left us. Rather, God places a high value on the well-being and character development of His little ones and calls us to do the same.
Our Values
Child-focused: Every child deserves the opportunity to grow in wisdom, in strength, in knowledge, and in spirit. Every child is a promise, every child is a possibility, every child bears the image of their Creator and is special.
Christ-centered: Following the example of Jesus Christ, we welcome every child and family, regardless of faith, to participate in Open Arms programs and events.
Christian church-based and community-led: Open Arms believes that the most efficient way reach children and youth is by training small teams to enter a community, identify a Christian church who will partner with us, identify local resources available (i.e., land, buildings, gifts and talents), and mobilize those communities to carry on the work among the children and their families. This process leverages the leadership capabilities of Open Arms with the goal of reestablishing healthy social connections within a child’s community.
Relationship, not program, driven: Children’s poverty must be overcome by building relationships with vulnerable children and their caregivers.
Integrity, transparency, and excellence: The goal of Open Arms is to lead by example in every aspect of its ministry, from financial stewardship to quality control.