What We Do

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Every community is unique, and so the way we approach reaching and teaching the children of that community must be flexible. The foundation for our community outreach is our Open Arms Kids Club. Open Arms Kids Club is where children and qualified Christian volunteers can meet to play, learn and grow.  On this foundation we can then build, based on the specific needs and profile of that community.

Our Objectives

  • Help a child understand that he/she is beautiful and precious in God’s eyes.
  • Help a child discover the hope and the future that is possible.
  • Help a child construct a solid emotional and social foundation for life within   an atmosphere of joy, unconditional love and acceptance.
  • Develop a child’s ability to think and make decisions based on time-tested biblical principles.
  • Start a child on the path toward a productive life of love, service, honor, and dignity before God and his/her community. (Proverbs 22:6)
  • Broaden a child’s horizons by providing access to quality-of-life opportunities in sports, art and literature.

Our Projects

Futsal Clubs (Indoor Soccer)

Futsal Clubs (Indoor Soccer)

Using the “beautiful game” to transform lives Open Arms Soccer Clubs use the “beautiful game” to engage children and youth between the ages of 6 and 16 who live in impoverished
Project Zadok

Project Zadok

Youth Corrections Outreach In Brazil’s state of São Paulo alone, there are roughly 20,000 adolescents and teens, 96% males, in correctional facilities. Project Zadok has a two-part mission: (1) to engage
Neighborhood Kids Clubs

Neighborhood Kids Clubs

Open Arms' Neighborhood Kids Clubs are the primary tool of our strategy to reach children at risk with the life transforming message of hope in Jesus right in their community.