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News from Project Zadok

From Agent of Hope, Bruno Fernando Gomes “Hello brothers, todays Team Zadok visit to the Youth Detention Center was very blessed, we were very well received by guards and employees. They arrived saying that we could play soccer with the boys (which they hadn’t permitting recently). During our object lessons and teaching activities they were very engaged. In the message we talk about values,

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Dance Team wins 1st Place in National Competition! Argentina’s Next!

The Art Company/Open Arms dance team competed in one of Brazil’s largest national dance competitions this month. With more than 2,000 dancers competing and judges, dancers, and instructors from around the world (including several from here in the US) this was the biggest stage yet for our kids. And guess what? They won 1st place for their category! Fourteen (14) of these young people

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OA Dance Team qualifies for Argentina!

Fourteen children from Open Arms’ Hip Hop dance team have qualified for an international competition in Argentina! Most of these kids have never been out of their state, let alone country. They have set themselves apart for the gospel themed routines that address major social issues impacting them, like child abuse, poverty, and violence. We can help them get there. The cost per child

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Open Arms Pantanal – Mission Lagoinha 2017-18

Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it (Psalm 127:1) From December 27, 2017 to January 5, 2018 a team from Derwood Bible Church (www.derwoodbiblechurch.org), an Open Arms partner, joined with Open Arms’ founder, Mike Meyers, for a combination VBS and construction mission to the village of Lagoinha in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Lagoinha is a village of the Terena people, a tribe

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Open Arms News – 2nd Quarter 2017

Open Arms Worldwide News

2nd Quarter – 2017


My Open Arms Open House

Share your passion and hold a party with a purpose


You may have wondered why you haven’t seen anything from us about a 2017 Open Arms Gala.  The reason is that we are taking a year off from that format in order to bring our story to a broader audience in more intimate settings.  To succeed in this mission we need you.  You are our most enthusiastic supporters and our best ambassadors.  


My Open Arms Open House is a way for you to share your passion for Open Arms’ mission with your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues.  Think of it as a party with a purpose.  Coffee & dessert gathering, a backyard BBQ, your birthday party, or formal dinner party; Open Arms will help you shape your event and send a spokesperson to join you and help you share our story with your guests. If you are interested in hosting or finding an Open Arms Open House near you, email us at info@openarmsworldwide.org

Blessed to be a blessing

Aquidauana Parent-Child Mission Success



This past April, Open Arms’ Founders Mike & Patricia Meyers led a team of eighteen parents and children from Reston Bible Church to serve in an indigenous region of Brazil. Our U.S. team partnered with a team of Brazilian volunteers and missionaries with Open Arms. The teams partnered with a tribal church in the village of Limão Verde in order to serve families and reach children with the gospel of Jesus. Many of you gave and prayed in support of their efforts, and we just want you to know how thankful we are for your generosity. Here’s a quick look at their trip. Click HERE for Video.


New soccer field & visit to the firehouse

Thanks to the hard work of Open Arms’ newest Agent of Hope, Bruno Gomes, the children and community where Open Arms’ got its start were blessed with a new soccer field in the 2nd quarter of this year.  Bruno and his team of volunteers have hit the ground running and breathed new life into this our oldest mission outreach!  Among other things they arranged a field trip to the local firehouse for a lesson on safety and the civic responsibility of all who call on Jesus.  Please keep Bruno in your prayers as he leads his team and brings hope to these children.





Join Open Arms as a regular financial partner.  You can help us to be the Open Arms of Jesus to more children today.    



Corrego Seco Village Open Arms gets a facility upgrade!


One of our newest outreach mission locations is in the Terena Indian village of Corrego Seco.  This village has been resistant to the gospel for many years, but the work of Open Arms is opening doors and hearts there among the children and now their parents.  The team meets with the children under a mango tree next to a 1 room building that serves as the kitchen.  There is no bathroom and no area for the children to seek shelter from the sun or rain.  That is until a couple of very generous donors stepped up to pay for the purchase of all the material necessary for a bathroom and a covered veranda.  Construction is already underway!  




Join our 2018 Camp Team!

Camp Team forming now


You’ve heard about our camps, you’ve seen the pictures, you’ve heard the testimonies, and watched the videos. Now it could be your time to take the next step and go.  We are currently recruiting for our January 10-17 Open Arms Brazil camp in Assis, Sao Paulo.  If you would like to be considered for this multi-church team, apply online today before the roster fills up. Click HERE


Open Arms’ Agents of Hope Lead Worship for Reston Bible Kids Camp


This June, Open Arms’ missionaries Lucas and Krystin Clemente were invited by Reston Bible Church to lead worship for their annual Kids Camp.  They led 340 children and their leaders in a week of worship and were blessed to see many children come to faith in Jesus as well as visit with friends who have served with them in Brazil on short term teams over the years. Blessings all around!  


Other News

The 2nd quarter was a busy one and not everything would fit in this newsletter and still keep it readable.  However, here are some exciting headlines.

  • Our 3rd annual Run the Race afterschool character education program in Sterling, VA was a huge success.  
  • We delivered more than a 1,000 books and needed funds to our Sterling partner school through the Open Arms & Open Books campaign.  
  • Our agents of hope in Brazil were invited to give a seminar to public school children on drug addiction and crime prevention from the Christian perspective and share the gospel. 
  • Yet another youth, Marcos, has turned his back on crime and drug use to join Open Arms as a volunteer.  The love of the children is transforming his life day by day.
  • Our youth detention ministry has welcomed another young man into God’s family.  Fabricio gave his heart to Jesus and is making great strides in his faith during his incarceration.  Pray he would stand firm in his faith upon his release.

For more headlines like these, we encourage you to follow us on Facebook.  


Thank you for taking a moment for the children!