Christmas Greetings from Open Arms
Open Arms Worldwide Year-End 2017 from Open Arms Worldwide on Vimeo.
Open Arms News – 2nd Quarter 2017
Open Arms News – 1st Quarter 2017
Open Arms Camp 2017!! With roughly 375 children in attendance, and 120+ volunteers, our 2nd annual Open Arms Camp in Assis, Brazil was the biggest yet! The team from the US was exceptional and God blessed us with almost zero logistical problems, which is extraordinary given all the moving parts. The theme was from 1 John 1 “Amigos em Cristo,” “Friends in Christ.” Teaching
Successful Night for Open Arms!
Thank you to all of our guests who came out Friday night to our Gala to celebrate our 10th Anniversary. It was great night of testimony, of good company, music, and great food at Wolf Trap. Here are just some quick highlights. It was our biggest event yet at 200 guests! Our goal of $30,000 was surpassed! Many of our guests were able to meet
10 Year Anniversary Party and You’re Invited!
Whether you’ve been a part of the Open Arms family for a long time or you are just checking us out, you are invited to join us at our 10-Year Anniversary Gala! We’ll be joined by three Open Arms missionaries from Brazil to encourage us with their testimonies and be encouraged by our fellowship with them. For 10 years Open Arms has been bringing hope to
Open Arms News – 2nd Quarter 2016
Open Arms Worldwide News 2nd Quarter – 2016 OAW Opens 3rd Indigenous Children’s Outreach This quarter a team from our headquarters in Assis, Brazil came alongside another OA agent of hope, Sarita Romeiro, to kick-off our 3rd mission outreach in the indigenous area of central-western Brazil. Please be praying for Sarita as she is now overseeing 4 mission locations in an area that is
Another Testimony of Hope
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 Hugo was a young man who was in youth detention in Brazil for murder. The team from Open Arms’ “Project Zadok” ministered the gospel to Hugo some three years ago in prison and he received Jesus as his Savior. Our team continued to disciple him even after he was
Flash Campaign!
Maria & Jackson have 7 children, 6 of whom attend an Open Arms project in their neighborhood. They live in home with 2 small rooms and a kitchen on about $250 per month. Open Arms local team would like to build an extension on to their home that would provide and extra bedroom so the boys and girls could have separate rooms. The total
Field Report: Brazil Camp 2016!
“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.” Psalm 30:11 In January we held our largest ever camp in our headquarters city of Assis inBrazil. 350 children (5-16 years of age) and 100 volunteers from 7 of our community ministry locations came together for worship, games (many of them in the rain and mud), arts, lots of good food, and a series of messages
Open Arms News for December 2015
Open Arms Worldwide News December, 2015 So close! Help us reach our giving target for 2015 Financial Stewardship God has blessed us with tremendous success on the field this year. We have seen more communities and children given access to Open Arms programs in Brazil and the United States. Our “Agents of Hope” are on the front lines working directly with children, their families, and