New Base for Central West Brazil
Good news! We have outgrown our base in Aquidauana that serves the Pantanal region of central west Brazil. Land has been purchased just blocks from our current base and design plans have been completed for a new base of operations.
Open Arms Worldwide values our community based model of ministry and our strategy of mobilizing physical resources that already exist in the community, rather than building. So why build now and why here? There are several reasons. Among them…
- To allow us to better serve the Terena children in that region (there are roughly 16,000 people of the Terena tribe in close proximity to this base)
- To serve as a launching point for evangelistic missions to Bolivia, Paraguay, and the northern parts of the Pantanal
- To provide space for training new missionaries and volunteers that are serving the 75,000 residents of Aquidauana/Anastacio and beyond
- To allow us to provide child and teen counseling services, sports/arts ministries, and vocational training for teens and parents
- Because no other existing facility in the community can meet these needs
Funds have been donated for site development and to begin phase 1 of the construction process. Lord willing we will break ground in the first week of July 2023.