Open Arms Social Media Ambassadors are passionate about our mission. They put all those feelings into words and share them with their friends and family.
The more people who know about what God is doing through this ministry, the more “Friends of Open Arms” we will add to our ranks and the more children we can embrace with the arms of Christ. If you are active on social media, then invite your friend list to “like” the Open Arms page, make a point to look us up on Facebook regularly and share what you see, and sign up to receive eNews.
The mission of an OAW Social Media Ambassador is as simple as F.L.I.C.S.
F.ollow, L.ike, I.nvite, C.omment, S.hare
One time – Follow Open Arms social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and LinkedIn). Invite your list of friends to follow as well.
Daily or weekly – Like, comment, and share new posts from Open Arms.
Facebook –
Instagram –
LinkedIn –