RBC Family Mission Team – Brazil

Home   RBC Family Mission Team – Brazil

Welcome to the official page for the 2022 Reston Bible Church, Parent-Child Mission Team. This is where you will be able to track along with the team as they prepare for their week-long adventure in Brazil.

You can give toward the cost of the trip online by clicking HERE.  Be sure to select “Mission team” from the drop down list of funds. You may also type the name of the team member you are supporting in the “who is the tribute for?” field.

Let’s get you started with a little bit of information about what the team will be up to during their stay in Brazil.pantanal

This coming April a team of parents and children from Reston Bible Church will be traveling to Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil to serve with Open Arms’ missionaries, Sarita Romeiro and Eduardo Ribeiro, in the Lagoinha village of the Terena Indians. They will be helping lead a weeks-long evangelistic cultural exchange in the village school. In 2014 Sarita began an outreach to children in this tribal village in partnership with indigenous Pastor, Emelio, & his wife, Carmen.

So what are our goals for this team? There are 3.

  1. Share the gospel with as many children as we can.
  2. Bless the national missionaries and the local church with the energy and excitement that a mission team always brings. This also helps tremendously to build interest in the ministry and makes it much easier for our local missionaries to expand their work with other local churches.
  3. Provide the members of the team with an opportunity to grow in their faith through exposure to the body of Christ in a completely different cultural context and promote an awareness of the need to proclaim the gospel around the world.
