Field Report: Brazil Camp 2016!
“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.” Psalm 30:11 In January we held our largest ever camp in our headquarters city of Assis inBrazil. 350 children (5-16 years of age) and 100 volunteers from 7 of our community ministry locations came together for worship, games (many of them in the rain and mud), arts, lots of good food, and a series of messages
Open Arms News for December 2015
Open Arms Worldwide News December, 2015 So close! Help us reach our giving target for 2015 Financial Stewardship God has blessed us with tremendous success on the field this year. We have seen more communities and children given access to Open Arms programs in Brazil and the United States. Our “Agents of Hope” are on the front lines working directly with children, their families, and
New Open Arms Project in Assis!
“Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.“ Psalm 40:5 (Photo: Valdinei “Nei” Tapia and Ricardo bring the word to the children) On November 7th we inaugurated our newest Open Arms project in a neighborhood
Open Arms News for November 2015
Open Arms Worldwide News November, 2015 Open Arms Camp – Assis 2016 Team from 4 area churches to travel to Brazil This January a team from 4 area churches will be traveling to Brazil to work with Open Arms running an evangelistic camp for 350-400 children from our outreach projects in that region. You can be part of that team by following our news
Cândido Mota, São Paulo – Brazil
Cândido Mota, São Paulo – Brazil Project started: July 2014 Local Church Partner: Evangelical Church of Biblical Revival Geographic setting: Urban Language: Portuguese Children participating per week: 50-60 Economy: Mix of agricultural and manufacturing Challenges: Poverty, drug traffic, addiction, violence, high levels of male incarceration Interesting tidbits: Cândido Mota is also known by the nickname, “Gigante Vermelho” or “Giant Red” because of the color of its exceptionally
Champions on the field and off
Assis – SP, Brazil- August 2015 Since May the boys of the Open Arms Futebol Club of Assis have been competing in the Regional U11, U13, and U15 Youth Championships. I should point out that this championship boasts the participation of the all-star teams from all of the cities in the region and is hotly contested. On the other hand, all of Open Arms’
Florestopolis 2015 – Blessed to be a blessing
From July 8 through July 18, The Bridge Community Church, of Morrisville, NC, sent a team of 7 people to work with Open Arms Worldwide in Florestópolis, Brazil. We partnered with about 20 other missionaries and volunteers from Londrina, Assis, and Florestópolis for a week of teaching, training, and encouraging of the local team in their important work with the children of Florestópolis. We
3 Amazing Opportunities
Headlines for May/June 2015 – 3 Amazing Opportunities “Stories”- Tickets for the 2015 Gala are on sale now! Buy Yours Here. Tickets and sponsorships are available online now for our 3rd annual Open Arms Gala! This year’s theme, “Stories,” is going to be our best yet. Get your tickets today, invite some friends, be a sponsor, or volunteer on the event committee. There are
2015 Open Arms Gala
Stay tuned for a report from our most successful Gala yet! Thank you to all of our sponsors and guests for your participation and contributions.
RBC Family Mission 2015 Photo Slideshow
Well after almost a month we are still sifting through the hundreds of wonderful photos that were taken to document our first ever Family Mission Trip with Open Arms. Here is a sampling for you to enjoy. If you haven’t read our report yet you can click HERE.