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News from the Field – September 2024

As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”Romans 10:15
“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God”
William Carey

The month of July was even more eventful than usual for Open Arms. On July 9th we celebrated 18 years of operations in Brazil. Then we made history by sending two teams from two churches in the US to two different cities in Brazil, with two different missions. Derwood Bible Church of Maryland, and The Bridge Community Church of Morrisville, NC, sent teams to Aquidauana and Florestópolis respectively. They were joined by local Open Arms missionaries and teams from our Brazilian headquarters for a week of hard work, good news, and great fellowship.

Pastor Colin Seager of Derwood Bible Church teaching the kids in Limão Verde village – Brazil

Pastor Matt Windley and his team presenting to the children in Florestópolis, Parana – Brazil

Team Aquidauana continued work on the new base of operations for the Pantanal Region


Team Florestópolis led a week of gospel centered teaching and activities with the children of the Jardim Floresta (Forest Garden) neighborhood.

It was a hive of activity in both cities. Children came to faith in Jesus, long-term strategic goals of the mission were advanced, team members: youth and adults alike, grew in their faith as they depended on God moment by moment, and God was glorified as folks from different cultures, languages, and socio-economic backgrounds came together under the banner of love in the name of Jesus.

OAW is able to mobilize, train, send, and support teams like these because we have an amazing family of supporters like you from all over the world who believe in this mission and are willing to invest.

If you aren’t yet a part of this movement, now is the time.  Join us!

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