Author Archives

May 2022 – News from the Field

“And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” – Mark 16:15 The spring, new birth, and a celebration of our risen Lord! What better time to finally realize our first post-Covid mission team to Brazil? This team was postponed multiple times since January of 2021, but God’s timing, as always, is impeccable. Can you think

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February 2022 – News from the Field

Return on Investment “If you want to have a lasting influence upon the world, you must invest in people’s lives; and if you want to maximize that investment, then you must invest in those people while they are young.” – George Barna Isabela, or Bela as she is known by her friends and family, came to Open Arms as a child, growing up in one

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Happy New Year from Open Arms!

Wishing you a happy & blessed New Year! 2021 – An Amazing Year of Blessing “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!” – Psalm 107:1 It is hard to believe that 2021 is coming to a close. We started the year with a lot of uncertainty. Our team in Brazil was unable to gather the

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Merry Christmas from the Open Arms family

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to you and yours! We selected a few pictures to share with you from our 15th year as a ministry reaching and teaching children and youth for Jesus.  These photos capture a small glimpse of the work that was accomplished with the help of partners like you.  Providing food for the hungry, embracing the hurting, bringing joy

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November 2021 – News from the Field

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.”-Hebrews 3:4 Praising God for another home delivered to a family in need in Aquidauana-Brazil. We are so thankful for our many partners, people like you, and partners like the Paradigm Foundation who help us bring hope in Jesus’ name! You may recall that Cirlene and her children lost their home to

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October 2021 – News from the Field

Proclaiming Freedom for the Captives I was in prison and you came to visit me. -Matthew 25:36 After a long time of prison ministry from a distance via recorded messages, a small contingent from our Project Zadok – youth detention outreach program, returned in person to minister to the needs of the boys incarcerated there and to proclaim freedom in the name of Jesus.

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September 2021 – News from the Field

New Life Emerges!   You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness -Psalm 30:11   After a year and a half of pandemic in southern Brazil, a time where ministry shifted completely to house to house visits, emergency food assistance, home building, and online studies, Open Arms’ neighborhood Bible clubs, sports ministries, and

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June/July 2021 News from the Field

Tangible Love in Jesus’ name Perhaps you have been following the pictures of the construction of a home for Teresa and her 8 grand-children since early September of 2020. Nine months of laughter, hard work, patience, relationship building, fund raising, and a lot of Brazilian coffee later, on May 28th, our team joined together to deliver the completed project, and what a party it

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