Street Evangelism in Assis III
The Power of the Gospel
Our team of missionaries and volunteers, led by Open Arms Agent of Hope, Bruno Gomes, took the gospel to the streets in one of the tougher neighborhoods of their city. The good news was presented via games, object lessons, and finally through Bruno’s testimony and the Word of God. Many of the drug dealers were present and several responded to the gospel along with several other young people present. The following week a dealer from another neighborhood reached out to our team asking if they would come and share this message of hope in his neighborhood! “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes!”

Camp for Christmas Campaign
Every year the children from the many Open Arms outreach missions in Brazil have the opportunity to attend our camp ministry. Last year we hosted about 350 children and 100 volunteers. It is coming time to do it again. A team from the US is preparing to make the trip and we are working hard to raise funds to sponsor each and every child. You can help. It only costs $30 to sponsor a child for camp and you give them a gift they will never forget. Sponsor a child or more and spread the word to your friends. Together we can bless all 350! send-a-child-to-camp/
